
We’re having a baby girl!

So I did NIPT -Panaroma as recommended by my gynae and at 13 weeks, two weeks after they took blood, got my results. I was ecstatic, screamed over the phone when I was told we’re having a girl.

I’ve always planned everything ahead. I’ve planned my graduation, my wedding (before I meet hub)planned my house (before we owned one) , planned receiving my BJJ blue belt and now, gender and due date of baby!

Such a total planning freak.

I’m hoping Baby S will cooperate and arrive on my birthday, since the EDD is on 4th October, my birthday falls on the 1st. Isn’t sweet to have a baby whose Chinese zodiac sign takes after her father and horoscope after her mother?

I am also continuing with my daily Personal training sessions and doing Muay Thai so long I feel comfortable. My team of mother-advisers told to me to listen to my body which I have been doing. Since we’re at 2nd trimester, I am hoping my energy will come back soon enough. For the last 3 months, carrying weight has taken a toll on my baby-growing body.

As cliche as it may sound, carrying a baby is a wonderful thing that can happen to a woman. I cant wait to see my baby bump grow and feel the baby kicking. I’m already talking to her everyday hoping she’ll get used to my voice. I just cant wait for October to come and carry my little miracle in my arms.